There are so many great reasons to eat E’LAN. Here’s a list of just the top 10. Which ones are important to you and your family?
1. Lose Weight the Healthy Way!
If you want to lose a few(or a lot) of pounds, E’LAN is just what the doctor ordered. It accelerates any diet results by providing a healthy bulking to any food without changing the flavor. Adding E’LAN provides a low calorie and more nutrient rich addition that will help you feel fuller faster and keep you satisfied without hunger pangs for hours.
2. Save Money!
Diet pills are expensive (and often dangerous). Box meal plans can cost you a fortune. Ounce for ounce, E’LAN provides the best nutritional value for what you spend when it comes to any food in your kitchen.
3. Reduce Food Cravings!
If you are deficient in minerals or vitamins that can create powerful hunger cravings for food. As an example, if you’re low on calcium, you might experience cravings for cheese or ice cream. Your body seeks to replace what it is missing however certain foods are not good sources of what it might be missing such is our example as you seek cheese or ice cream. By adding E’LAN to your diet, you get more vitamins and minerals which will help curb cravings for things you want to avoid.
4. Balanced Blood Sugar!
Keeping your blood sugar levels balanced is vital for both your energy and overall health. Today’s high-carb, high-starch, high-sweet diets are causing your blood sugar to spike and crash. This is what gives you that mid-morning and mid-afternoon slumps when you feel spacey, sleepy or out of energy. Adding E’LAN to your meals provides you with powerful sustained energy rather than a series of peaks and crashes that can wear you out and hurt your health. By assisting your body in balancing your blood sugar, you are not only ensuring steady, constant energy throughout your day, you are also helping to lower your risk of Type II diabetes. Studies have shown that chia seeds help slow down how fast your body converts carbohydrates into simple sugars assisting your body in controlling blood sugars. There are even studies showing how chia seeds assist with reducing blood pressure.
5. Eliminate Toxins and Stay Regular!
It can be said that health and vitality begins in the colon. This is one area where your body assimilates the nutrients it needs and moves toxins out of your system. The success of this bodily system is regular elimination which is aided by soluble and insoluble fiber. Each serving of E’LAN contains 5 grams of fiber. If you’re experiencing irregularity, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gas, cramping or diverticulitis/diverticulosis; these could by signs of not getting enough fiber from the foods you are eating. Today’s diet of fast foods, frozen foods, microwave foods and food substitutes are seriously deficient in fiber and other important nutrients. You don’t need to eat like a rabbit to get fiber! Simply add enough E’LAN into your diet and you’ll see better results in as little as one day. The soluble fiber in E’LAN keeps your colon hydrated and ensures the easy movement of food. The exterior of the chia seed itself is protected by insoluble fiber. This insoluble fiber isn’t digested but instead facilitates the peristaltic action to move waste smoothly through your digestive track.
6. Hydrate Your Body!
E’LAN has great benefits for hydration. E’LAN absorbs approximately ten times its weight in water creating a chia gel which when taken with lots of water can assist in keeping you hydrated. Studies have shown that E’LAN promotes joint lubrication and faster recovery. It has also been shown to help with muscle soreness and lowering of lactic acid buildup. This is especially helpful for high-performance athletes and is a big reason why so many professional athletes use and endorse E’LAN.
7. Create More Energy!
You don’t get energy; you create it! Nothing is more important than the nutrients you ingest. You’d be hard pressed to find a better energy source than Mother Nature’s ultimate super-food!
8. Get the Omega-3 You Need!
By now you probably realize the importance of Omega-3 essential fatty acids in your diet. It’s essential for heart and cholesterol health. Omega-3s have been shown to help reduce inflammation as found in arthritis. Omega 3s have also been shown to help with weight loss as demonstrated in a recent study where participants lost two or more pounds a month more than a control group who did not consume Omega 3s. Whether you are vegan and worrying about getting the necessary Omega 3s or someone seeking an alternative to krill oil, fish oil and their potential for contaminants found in commercially farmed fish, E’LAN is your product. E’LAN contains eight more times Omega 3 than wild salmon but without the fishy taste.
9. Fight Free Radicals!
Your body is made up of millions of cells. If your cells are healthy you feel better, look younger and live longer. People with unhealthy cells have less energy, age quicker and suffer illness brought on in part by oxidative stress. This is caused when there is a decrease antioxidant production at the cellular level. When you lack this protection your cells are attacked by free radicals which can cause your immune system to weaken, your organs to deteriorate and your skin to prematurely wrinkle. Your body needs a strong defense. E’LAN can assist by providing the much needed antioxidants.
10. Bake with less healthy Lard and Cooking Oils!
Did you know E’LAN can substitute for many oils and cooking lards? Simply divide the amount of butter or oil in half and hen use the same amount of chia gel to replace it. The food will bake and taste the same. E’LAN lets you make bread, muffins, cookies, cakes, pancakes and waffles healthier! The antioxidants in E’LAN can even help keep food fresher tasting.