1. Performance.. REDEFINED E’LAN’S perfect balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s may increase flexibility of cells membranes, creating improved nutrient transport and nerve transmission. This super-food helps boost your brain’s power and makes focusing on your end goal easier. You’ll have an edge on the competition when your performance …
10 Reasons Why YOU Should Fuel with E’LAN
A top-ranked professional golfer, world champion paddle boarder, motorcross racer – the list goes on and on. Athletes all over are eating E’LAN for the powerful nutrition it contains. Performance, endurance, hydration, recovery – E’LAN fuels their game from start to finish. Every aspect of their training, competition and wind-down …
Benefits for Your Pets
“I am a passionate Veterinary Practitioner with special interest in orthopedic surgery, critical care and cardiology who nurtures the human-pet bond. I love using E’LAN in my patients, as I see dramatic improvement in cases of arthritis, recovery from orthopedic surgery, weight loss, skin diseases, diabetes, GI diseases and more. E’LAN …
Benefits for Athletes
Your Body… Powered BY E’LAN The drive to perform. The strength to endure. The will to recover and go do it all over again. As an athlete, your motivation comes from the inside and is reflected on the out. Your best is determined by your mindset paired with your body’s …
About Us
Vital2Life is (Re)Introducing Mother Nature’s Healthiest Whole Food! An ancient super-food, chia seed was a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures along with the Native tribes of North America. Chia has often been referred to as “Indian running food” because it was carried by their messengers for the …
Chia Seed Supplementation and Disease Risk Factors in Overweight Women
A Metabolomics Investigation. Nieman DC1, Gillitt N, Jin F, Henson DA, Kennerly K, Shanely RA, Ore B, Su M, Schwartz S. Author information Abstract OBJECTIVE/SETTING: This study assessed the effectiveness of milled and whole chia seed in altering disease risk factors in overweight, postmenopausal women using a metabolomics approach. DESIGN/INTERVENTION: …
How is E’LAN different than other Chia Nutritionally?
E’LAN vs. Chia Many people have reported significant health upgrades consuming E’LAN that they did not receive while eating other chia seed brands. There are over 100 varieties of chia seeds. Most of the chia brands on the market are mass produced and not tested for specific nutritional values, variety …
What’s E’LAN? What’s in it?
The Meaning of E’LAN We believe in the vibration and meaning of words and here are some of the synonyms of what E’LAN means and how this product actually makes you feel!
10 Reasons YOU Should Be Eating E’LAN!
There are so many great reasons to eat E’LAN. Here’s a list of just the top 10. Which ones are important to you and your family?