Benefits for Athletes

Your Body…

Powered BY E’LAN

The drive to perform. The strength to endure. The will to recover and go do it all over again. As an athlete, your motivation comes from the inside and is reflected on the out. Your best is determined by your mindset paired with your body’s ability to perform at it’s peak.

Like all finely tuned machines, it needs the proper fuel to

get it going and keep it running.

Compete at Your Highest Level,


E’LAN is unlike anything you’ve encountered before. It’s not a lab-created capsule. It’s not a chemical substance you have to force yourself to choke down. It’s not a potentially harmful injection.

Produced by Mother Nature and packaged as it was produced comma E’LAN is a whole comma raw food meant for consumption. It’s exclusive proprietary blend of the world’s finest variants of the most potent strains of chia. Your body craves Omega-3s, fiber, protein, antioxidants and phytonutrients, so that’s just what E’LAN delivers.

E’LAN’S proprietary blend contains the highest levels of Omega-3s to lubricate issue throughout your body, antioxidants to prevent tissue destruction and amino acids.